Student Opportunities » College Fly-In Programs

College Fly-In Programs

These Fall programs allow seniors to fly to and stay at universities such as MIT, Tulane, and Penn State for free. They are not very competitive and usually include one-on-one college application and financial aid workshops with admissions deans. Some come with a scholarship or the ability to stay in dorms and attend lectures. A few institutions, like Carnegie Mellon, even offer one-on-one interviews with admissions deans anytime.




1:1 Admissions Officer Virtual Interviews 



Bentley Virtual Interviews



Calvin Virtual Interviews


Carnegie Mellon

CMU Virtual Interviews

  • Admissions insights videos


Franklin and Marshall

F&M Virtual Interviews



Wesleyan 1:1 interviews




Fly-in Programs


Access to Amherst

  • App due: mid-August
  • Components: transcript, 350 word essay, academic writing sample
  • Waived college app fee, sometimes regardless of program decision
  • Admissions workshop, sometimes regardless of program decision



Access Babson

  • Priority to underrepresented
  • Components: transcript, extracurriculars, two 250 word essays
  • Admissions and financial aid workshops
  • Stay with a Babson student, attend a class


Barnard Women’s College

Barnard Bound virtual program

  • App due: mid-September
  • Only open to low-income or 1st gen students
  • Admissions workshops



Prologue to Bates

  • App due: mid-August
  • Priority to underrepresented
  • Components: transcript, short essay, extracurriculars list
  • Admissions and financial aid workshops



Explore Bowdoin

  • App due: early August
  • Priority to low-income and 1st gen students
  • Components: transcript, extracurriculars, 250 word essay
  • Admissions and financial aid workshops
  • Stay with Bowdoin students, attend classes



Students Exploring and Embracing Diversity

  • App due: early September
  • Priority to low-income and 1st gen students
  • Evaluative admissions interview


Bryn Mawr Women’s College

Lantern Scholars Program

  • App due: mid-July
  • Priority to underrepresented
  • Components: transcript, resume, letter of rec



Caltech Up Close

  • App due: early August
  • Priority to underrepresented
  • Components: transcript, short answers
  • Admissions and financial aid workshops



Taste of Carleton

  • App due: early August
  • Priority to underrepresented
  • Components: transcript, resume
  • Admissions interview
  • Attend a class​​​​​​​


Case Western Reserve

Diversity Overnight


Claremont McKenna

CMC Fall Preview

    • App due: late August
    • Multiple admissions workshops and financial aid workshops
    • Only open to underrepresented
    • Waived college app fee for participants



Colgate in Focus

  • App due: mid-August
  • Only open to underrepresented
  • Attend a class


College of the Atlantic

COA Fall Fly-In

  • App due: mid-July
  • Priority to underrepresented
  • Components: transcript, extracurriculars, two 500 word essays
  • Attend classes


College of the Holy Cross

Perspectives Overnight Program

  • App due: early October
  • Admissions insights


Colorado College

Experience Colorado College

  • App due: early September
  • Only open to underrepresented
  • Components: transcript and counselor evaluation form
  • 1:1 interviews with admissions ambassadors
  • Admissions and financial aid workshops


Columbia Engineering

Engineering Preview at Columbia

  • App due: early September
  • Waived college app fee, regardless of program decision
  • Admissions and financial aid workshops
  • Tour of an engineering firm like Google or Bloomberg, stay with a student


Connecticut College

Explore Conn

  • App due: mid-September
  • Components: transcript, personal statement
  • Admissions workshop



Dartmouth Bound

  • Mock admissions committee exercise, 1:1 interviews, open access to admissions officers
  • Admissions and financial aid workshops



Access Davidson

  • App due: early August
  • Connect with admissions and financial aid officers, talk with College president
  • Attend a class



Dialogue with Denison

    • App due: early August
    • Participants guaranteed to receive a full-ride if admitted to Denison(?)
    • Priority to underrepresented



You Belong at Dickinson.

  • Admissions and financial aid workshops



Emory LEADs Experience

  • App due: early September
  • Priority to underrepresented
  • Components: two 150 word essays, transcript, extracurriculars
  • In-depth admissions and college evaluation workshops



Home at Hamilton

  • Priority to low income


Harvey Mudd

Future Achievers in Science and Tech (FAST)

  • App due: mid-August
  • Priority to underrepresented
  • Waived college app fee
  • Admissions workshops




  • Priority to underrepresented


Johns Hopkins

Senior Visit Day- Travel Assistance

  • App due: early September
  • Priority to low income
  • Components: transcript, short answer, form



Our Beloved Community

  • App due: early October
  • Priority to underrepresented
  • Waived college app fee
  • Admissions interview



Diverse Achievers Program

  • App due: mid-September
  • Priority to underrepresented
  • Components: transcript, 500 word essay


Miami U

Bridges Program

  • App due: early October
  • Only open to underrepresented
  • Components: two 250 short responses, counselor recommendation form



Weekend Immersion in Science and Engineering (WISE)

  • App due: mid-August
  • Only open to underrepresented
  • Components: transcript, five short answer questions
  • Admissions workshops



Fly-in Program

  • App due: early September
  • Priority to low income
  • Components: transcript, one page essay
  • Tips from admissions dean



Oberlin Overnight

  • App due: late September
  • Priority to underrepresented
  • Components: transcript, 300 word essay



Tiger Access Program

  • Priority to underrepresented
  • Admissions workshops


Olin College of Engineering

Mix & Mingle Fly-in

  • Counselor nomination due: mid-September
  • Only for low-income
  • Components: transcript, counselor nomination


Penn State

Admissions Strategics Partnerships

  • Multiple programs



Fall Preview

  • App due: late August
  • Only open to underrepresented
  • Components: transcript, one 650 word essay, one 250 word short response



Perspectives on Pomona

  • App due: mid-August
  • Priority to underrepresented



Senior Scholars Virtual Program

  • App due: early November


Rensselaer Polytechnic

Science, Technology, & Arts at Rensselaer (STAR)

  • App due: late November
  • Only open to underrepresented
  • Virtual admissions workshop


Scripps Women's College

Discover Scripps

  • App due: mid-August
  • Only open to underrepresented
  • Admissions workshop


Smith Women's College

Women of Distinction

  • Only open to underrepresented



Discover Swarthmore

  • Priority to underrepresented
  • Waived college app fee



Voices of Tufts

  • Priority to underrepresented
  • Waived college app fee




  • App due: early September
  • Priority to underrepresented
  • Admissions workshop


University of Denver

Pioneer Prep

  • Waived college app fee
  • Low-income who complete program may qualify for $30,000 scholarship


UMich Business

All-Access Weekend

  • App due: mid-June
  • Priority to underrepresented
  • Admissions workshop



Penn Early Exploration Program (PEEP)

  • Priority to low income, 1st gen
  • Workshops with admissions counselors



Multicultural Visitation Program

  • App due: early October
  • Only open to low-income
  • Components: transcript, two short responses


U of Vermont

Discovering UVM

  • Priority to underrepresented
  • Waived college app fee


UWisconsin Madison

Visit Bucky

  • Event date: early October
  • Virtual, no app
  • Admissions tips



Preview Days

  • App due: early June
  • Priority to underrepresented


Washington and Lee

Diversity and Inclusion Visit Experience

  • Priority to underrepresented
  • Admissions workshops


Wellesley Women’s College


  • Components: transcript, 400 word essay
  • Workshops with admissions counselors



Visit Scholarship Program

  • Admissions workshops



Windows on Williams

  • App due: early July or early August, depending on selected date
  • Priority to low income