Naviance: College & Career

LAUSD student required tasks (9th - 12th)

How to log into LAUSD Naviance
If the button above does not work, go to
Click the Naviance Student Login -> Login with Active Directory -> the Naviance badge.
You will be directed to the Naviance Welcome page.
(If you are still having trouble, see the attached pdf below)
Seniors may request transcripts to be sent to colleges, universities, scholarships, NCAA, or other entities through Naviance.
1. Log into Naviance
2. Click Colleges
3. Click Manage Transcript
4. Click the red/dark pink circle with a plus inside
5. Select one of the two options (college application transcript or other transcripts)
6. Add details of where a transcript should be sent. If a transcript is for personal records include it in the notes if you would like a printed copy or email. We only email transcripts via Naviance to your LAUSD student account.
7. You may track your transcript and its progress via Naviance
Video guides:
1. Log into Naviance -
2. Update the colleges you applied to your list -
3. Request and track transcripts -